Christoph Schmid
Member of Research Staff
Media Creation Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies - Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Location: A - Campus-Platz 1
- Media and Digital Technologies
Vasof, A., Bruckner, F., Gürtler, C., Schmid, C., Husinsky, M., Zeller, M., Munk, C., Salhofer, J., Schoiswohl, P., Brullo, R., Nguyen-Thi-Minh, H., & Schmidt, R. (2024). VRinMotion – ExperiMotion 3 [VR – Installation].
Kirschner, F., Vögelin, L., Bruckner, F., Gürtler, C., Schmid, C., Husinsky, M., Zeller, M., Munk, C., Salhofer, J., Schoiswohl, P., Brullo, R., Nguyen-Thi-Minh, H., Rauch, M., & Schmidt, R. (2023). VRinMotion – ExperiMotion 2 [VR – Installation].
Hattler, M., Petersen, S., Schmid, C., Bruckner, F., Gürtler, C., Husinsky, M., Zeller, M., Jalaeefar, A., Munk, C., Salhofer, Schoiswohl, P., Brullo, R., & Horvath, P. (2022, 18.11). VRinMotion – ExperiMotion 1.
Hattler, M., Petersen, S., Schmid, C., Bruckner, F., Gürtler, C., Husinsky, M., Zeller, M., Jalaeefar, A., Munk, C., Salhofer, J., & others. (2022). VRinMotion–ExperiMotion 1. Dimensions of Animation.