Finished Projects
Smart Companion 2
Equipping devices for everyday use with voice interaction, fall detection and alerts as support in cases of emergency.
Supporting students in learning how to read, understand, and construct data-visualizations.
Working towards a unified framework for joint audio &visual analytics
IMREA - Intelligent Multimodal Real Estate Assessment
Multimodal information extraction and machine learning techniques for the extraction of real estate related attributes and parameters from heterogeneous input data
Development of Master Gamified Reality Applications for Real-world Challenges and Experiences.
Investigates how characteristics of stop-motion animation and motion-capturing can be conflated with virtual reality in order to enrich the current art discourse.
BündelHeinz- Novel approach for streamlining ordering and delivery processes according to ecological and social criteria
A digital service that organizes online shopping in a more sustainable way.
AudioVisualAnalysis - Exploratory data analysis using multimodal representations - Joint Sonification and Visualization
Making data audible and visible by turning it into auditory and visual information.
VisToon - Förderung von Visualisierungskompetenzen durch interaktive Data Comics
Developing guidelines for designing and implementing Data Comics that help to better understand data visualizations
BIMCheck – Intelligent and Automated Target-Performance Comparisons in the Building Industry.
Modern sensor technologies and image processing tools to track changes on a construction site.
FIVE - #Fitspiration Image VErification
Proof of Concept of an interdisciplinary online-course offering guidance on how to deal critically with information provided by social media sites.
IoT4LAC – IoT Applications for Communities in Lower Austria
Flexible and widely applicable solutions for data platforms enabling "Smart Regions”.