Finished Projects
Development of Master Gamified Reality Applications for Real-world Challenges and Experiences.
Investigates how characteristics of stop-motion animation and motion-capturing can be conflated with virtual reality in order to enrich the current art discourse.
BündelHeinz- Novel approach for streamlining ordering and delivery processes according to ecological and social criteria
A digital service that organizes online shopping in a more sustainable way.
AudioVisualAnalysis - Exploratory data analysis using multimodal representations - Joint Sonification and Visualization
Making data audible and visible by turning it into auditory and visual information.
FIVE - #Fitspiration Image VErification
Proof of Concept of an interdisciplinary online-course offering guidance on how to deal critically with information provided by social media sites.
VisToon - Förderung von Visualisierungskompetenzen durch interaktive Data Comics
Developing guidelines for designing and implementing Data Comics that help to better understand data visualizations
BIMCheck – Intelligent and Automated Target-Performance Comparisons in the Building Industry.
Modern sensor technologies and image processing tools to track changes on a construction site.
IoT4LAC – IoT Applications for Communities in Lower Austria
Flexible and widely applicable solutions for data platforms enabling "Smart Regions”.
LEWELJU - Workshops for developing a risk competence game about the living environments of young people
Working together with young people on a game promoting risk literacy.
CWSEL - Citizen workshops on sustainable everyday life
Involving students in the development of climate-friendly solutions.
VeRgonomiX III
Education and training of ergonomics in health and safety.