Mixed Reality Based Collaboration 4 Industry
Investigating the possible applications of Mixed Reality (MR) techniques for businesses from all industrial sectors
Scientific exchange with South Africa in the field of digital technologies
ImmBild - Location Assessment by Computer Vision
Location is key – especially when it comes to real estate value. “ImmBild” aims at developing a new method for estimating property value using computer vision of satellite data.
Open Solar House App (DIHOST)
A freely available app for monitoring the energy production of solar systems
Carrots’ journeys
Creating an interactive VR video and guidance on how to virtualise regional products. As example the "carrots’ journeys" from the exhibition “Was bewegt das weite Land“ is used
Together in the digital society
Further developing digital teaching and learning materials involving teachers, students, parents and grandparents
Multi-Device Ecologies Towards Elaborate User Experience discusses issues of relevance regarding interaction design and user experience design and aims at an integrated use of media technology devices...
Fake News Detection
A Novel Challenge for Social Media Retrieval
SoniControl 2.0 - The first Ultrasonic Firewall
Extending SoniControl, the first ultrasonic firewall, that detects and blocks unwanted acoustic tracking on mobile devices.
Wearable Theatre.The art of immersive storytelling
The research and art project Wearable Theatre. The Art of Immersive Storytelling explores the dramatic, narrative, and structural potential of Virtual Reality (VR). Over three years, an interdisciplin...
UNITA - Ultrasonic Network for IoT Applications
Developing and constructing an ultrasonic communication infrastructure, as alternative way of communication for IoT devices