
Dr. Hsiang-Yun Wu

  • Lecturer
  • Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Location: A - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 445

Study programmes

  • Creative Computing (BA)
  • Digital Healthcare (MA)


  • Media and Digital Technologies


Boucher, M., Stoiber, C., Boucher, A., Wu, H.-Y., Aigner, W., & De Jesus Oliveira, V. A. (2024). Comixplain: Comics on Visualization Foundations in Higher Education. Poster at IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS 2024).
Bhore, S., Li, G., Nöllenburg, M., Rutter, I., & Wu, H.-Y. (2023). Untangling circular drawings: Algorithms and complexity. Computational Geometry, 111, 101975.
Rind, A., Aigner, W., Böck, J., Grassinger, F., Oliveira, V. A. de. J., Wu, H.-Y., & Zauchinger, M. (2022, September 30). Daten erlebbar machen: Wie Daten sichtbar, hörbar und greifbar werden [Demo & Poster]. European Researchers" Night 2022, St. Pölten.
Wu, H.-Y. (2022, July 4). Map the Knowledge for Human-Data Communication. Summer School of Zhejiang University.