
Dipl.-Ing. Kajetan Enge BSc

  • Junior Researcher
    Media Computing Research Group
    Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
  • Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Location: A - Campus-Platz 1


  • Media and Digital Technologies

Short Resume

  • 2020: Junior Researcher und Doktorand in den Forschungsfeldern Sonifikation und Visualisierung.
  • 2008: Projektmanager für La Strada Graz - Internationales Festival für Straßen- und Figurentheater.
  • 2015: Bühnenmanager bei Arsonore - Internationales Musikfest Schloss Eggenberg Graz.
  •  2017 – 2019: Schalltechniker/Akustiker, Dr. Pfeiler GmbH, Graz.
  •  2016 – 2018: Studentischer Mitarbeiter, Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz.



Iber, M., Enge, K., Rönnberg, N., Neidhardt, A., Schnell, N., Pollack, K., kallionpää, M., & Chamberlain, A. (2024). What you hear is what you see? Perspectives on modalities in sound and music interaction. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Enge, K. (2024, June 18). Open Your Ears and Take a Look: From Audio-Visual Analytics to (VR) Acoustic Ecology [Invited Talk]. NYU VIDA Seminar, New York University: VIDA.
Rind, A., Blasinger, A., Enge, K., Grassinger, F., Oliveira, V. A. de. J., & Zauchinger, M. (2024, May 24). Wie können wir Daten erlebbar machen? [Demo & Poster]. Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024, St. Pölten.
Elmquist, E., Enge, K., Rind, A., Navarra, C., Höldrich, R., Iber, M., Bock, A., Ynnerman, A., Aigner, W., & Rönnberg, N. (2024). Parallel Chords: an audio-visual analytics design for parallel coordinates. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 28, 657–676.
Enge, K., Elmquist, E., Caiola, V., Rönnberg, N., Rind, A., Iber, M., Lenzi, S., Lan, F., Höldrich, R., & Aigner, W. (2024). Open Your Ears and Take a Look: A State-of-the-Art Report on the Integration of Sonification and Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis "24), 43(3), e15114:1-e15114:30.
Rind, A., Enge, K., Iber, M., Rönnberg, N., Lenzi, S., Elmquist, E., Caiola, V., Lan, F., Höldrich, R., & Aigner, W. (2024). Integrating Sonification and Visualization - But Why? In H.-J. Schulz & T. Isenberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2024) - Panel (p. 5 pages). Eurographics.
Enge, K., Fabry, L., & Höldrich, R. (2024). Flowers Revisited: A preliminary replication of Flowers et al. 1997. The 29th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2024). International Conference on Auditory Display, Troy, New York.
Rind, A., Enge, K., & Iber, M. (2023, September 29). SoniVis: Datenanalyse mit Augen und Ohren [Demo & Poster]. European Researchers" Night 2023, Graz.
Iber, M., Enge, K., Rind, A., Höldrich, R., Rönnberg, N., Bruce, W., & Aigner, W. (2023). Audio-Visual Analytics Community: Bringing Senses to Mind | Panel Discussion at ICAD 2023. 2.
Groß-Vogt, K., Enge, K., & Zmölnig, J. (2023). Reflecting on qualitative and quantitative data to frame criteria for effective sonification design. AM "23: Proceedings of the 18th International Audio Mostly Conference, 8.
Enge, K., Rind, A., Iber, M., Höldrich, R., & Aigner, W. (2023). Towards a Unified Terminology for Sonification and Visualization. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 27(5), 1949–1963.
Aigner, W., Enge, K., Iber, M., Rind, A., Elmqvist, N., Höldrich, R., Rönnberg, N., & Walker, B. N. (2022, October 20). Audio-Visual Analytics: Potential Applications of Combined Sonifications and Visualizations [Application Spotlight]. IEEE VIS 2022, Oklahoma City, US.
Iber, M., Enge, K., Neidhardt, A., Rönnberg, N., Pollack, K., Schnell, N., & Turchet, L. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the 17th International Audio Mostly Conference (AM "22). ACM.
Enge, K. (2022, September 28). SoniScope - Der klingende Scatterplot [Invited Talk]. IEM Open Labs, Graz (Austria).
Enge, K. (2022, June 24). ICAD Student Think Tank 2022 - Exploratory Data Analysis using Multimodal Representations: Joint Sonification and Visualization [Presentation]. ICAD Student Think Tank 2022, Virtual Meeting.