
FH-Prof. Dr. Michael Iber

  • Academic Director GRACE - Gamified Reality Applications for Real-World Challenges and Experiences* (MA)
  • Academic Director E³UDRES²
  • Lecturer
  • International Coordinator
  • Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Location: A - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 655

Study programmes

  • GRACE - Gamified Reality Applications for Real-World Challenges and Experiences* (MA)
  • Digital Media Technologies (MA)
  • Interactive Technologies (MA)
  • Digital Design (MA)
  • Media Technology (BA)
  • Creative Computing (BA)
  • Digital Media Production (MA)


  • Media and Digital Technologies



Iber, M., Enge, K., Rönnberg, N., Neidhardt, A., Schnell, N., Pollack, K., kallionpää, M., & Chamberlain, A. (2024). What you hear is what you see? Perspectives on modalities in sound and music interaction. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Simonlehner, M., de Jesus Oliveira, V. A., Prock, K., Iber, M., Horsak, B., & Siragy, T. (2024). Sonification can alter Joint Alignment for Personalized Rehabilitation: Evidence from a Controlled Pilot Study. Gait & Posture, 113, 212–213.
Elmquist, E., Enge, K., Rind, A., Navarra, C., Höldrich, R., Iber, M., Bock, A., Ynnerman, A., Aigner, W., & Rönnberg, N. (2024). Parallel Chords: an audio-visual analytics design for parallel coordinates. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 28, 657–676.
Rind, A., Enge, K., Iber, M., Rönnberg, N., Lenzi, S., Elmquist, E., Caiola, V., Lan, F., Höldrich, R., & Aigner, W. (2024). Integrating Sonification and Visualization - But Why? In H.-J. Schulz & T. Isenberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2024) - Panel (p. 5 pages). Eurographics.
Enge, K., Elmquist, E., Caiola, V., Rönnberg, N., Rind, A., Iber, M., Lenzi, S., Lan, F., Höldrich, R., & Aigner, W. (2024). Open Your Ears and Take a Look: A State-of-the-Art Report on the Integration of Sonification and Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis "24), 43(3), e15114:1-e15114:30.
Rind, A., Enge, K., & Iber, M. (2023, September 29). SoniVis: Datenanalyse mit Augen und Ohren [Demo & Poster]. European Researchers" Night 2023, Graz.
Iber, M., Enge, K., Rind, A., Höldrich, R., Rönnberg, N., Bruce, W., & Aigner, W. (2023). Audio-Visual Analytics Community: Bringing Senses to Mind | Panel Discussion at ICAD 2023. 2.
de Jesus Oliveira, V. A., Slijepčević, D., Dumphart, B., Ferstl, S., Reis, J., Raberger, A.-M., Heller, M., Horsak, B., & Iber, M. (2023). Auditory feedback in tele-rehabilitation based on automated gait classification. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Enge, K., Rind, A., Iber, M., Höldrich, R., & Aigner, W. (2023). Towards a Unified Terminology for Sonification and Visualization. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 27(5), 1949–1963.
Aigner, W., Enge, K., Iber, M., Rind, A., Elmqvist, N., Höldrich, R., Rönnberg, N., & Walker, B. N. (2022, October 20). Audio-Visual Analytics: Potential Applications of Combined Sonifications and Visualizations [Application Spotlight]. IEEE VIS 2022, Oklahoma City, US.
Iber, M. (2022, October 14). Research in sound & music computing @ St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences [Guest researcher"s presentation]. E3UDRES2 Work Package 4 Meeting G3-MTG19, Virtual Meeting.
Iber, M., Enge, K., Neidhardt, A., Rönnberg, N., Pollack, K., Schnell, N., & Turchet, L. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the 17th International Audio Mostly Conference (AM "22). ACM.
Aigner, W., Enge, K., Iber, M., Rind, A., Elmqvist, N., Höldrich, R., Rönnberg, N., & Walker, B. N. (2022). Workshop on Audio-Visual Analytics. Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 92:1-92:4.
Enge, K., Rind, A., Iber, M., Höldrich, R., & Aigner, W. (2022). Towards Multimodal Exploratory Data Analysis: SoniScope as a Prototypical Implementation. In M. Agus, W. Aigner, & T. Hoellt (Eds.), Proc. 24th Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2022) - Short Papers (pp. 67–71). Eurographics Association.
Dumphart, B., Schimanko, M., Nöstlinger, S., Iber, M., Horsak, B., & Heller, M. (2021). Validity and reliability of a mobile insole to measure vertical ground reaction force during walking. 823.
Iber, M., Dumphart, B., Oliveira, V. A. de. J., Ferstl, S., Reis, J., Slijepcevic, D., Heller, M., Raberger, A.-M., & Horsak, B. (2021). Mind the Steps: Towards Auditory Feedback in Tele-Rehabilitation Based on Automated Gait Classification. In Proceedings of the 16th International Audio Mostly Conference (AM"21). Audio Mostly 2021.
Enge, K., Rind, A., Iber, M., Höldrich, R., & Aigner, W. (2021). It’s about Time: Adopting Theoretical Constructs from Visualization for Sonification. Proceedings of the 16th International Audio Mostly Conference (AM"21), 64–71.
Aigner, W., Enge, K., Iber, M., Rind, A., Elmqvist, N., Höldrich, R., Rönnberg, N., & Walker, B. N. (2021). Workshop on Audio-Visual Analytics – Identifying Research Gaps for Integrating Sonification and Visualization. Audio Mostly Workshops.
Iber, M., Lechner, P., Jandl, C., Mader, M., & Reichmann, M. (2020). Auditory augmented process monitoring for cyber physical production systems. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Iber, M. (2020). Auditory Display in Workspace Environments. In M. Filimowicz (Ed.), Foundations in Sound Design for Embedded Media: A Multidisciplinary Approach (pp. 131–154). Routledge.
Rottermanner, G., Oliveira, V. A. D. J., Kreiger, M., Graf, P., Rokitansky, C.-H., Eschbacher, K., Settgast, V., Grantz, V., Iber, M., Lechner, P., Judmaier, P., & Wagner, M. (2020). Design and Evaluation of a Tool to Support Air Traffic Control with 2D and 3D Visualizations. 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Atlanta, USA.
Jandl, C., Mader, C., & Iber, M. (2019). AARiP-Virtual Reality App for Oculus Go (Version 1.0).
Iber, M., Lechner, P., Jandl, C., Mader, M., & Reichmann, M. (2019). Auditory Augmented Reality for Cyber Physical Production Systems. AudioMostly (AM"19). AudioMostly (AM"19), Nottingham, UNited Kingdom.}
Rottermanner, G., Wagner, M., Kalteis, M., Iber, M., Judmaier, P., Aigner, W., Settgast, V., & Eggeling, E. (2018). Low-Fidelity Prototyping for the Air Traffic Control Domain. Mensch Und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 605–614.
Seidl, M., Moser, T., Blumenstein, K., Zeppelzauer, M., & Iber, M. (Eds.). (2018). FMT 2018 - Proceedings of the 11th Forum Media Technology and 4th All Around Audio Symposium.
Rind, A., Iber, M., & Aigner, W. (2018). Bridging the Gap Between Sonification and Visualization. Proc. AVI Workshop on Multimodal Interaction for Data Visualization (MultimodalVis).
Rottermanner, G., Wagner, M., Settgast, V., Grantz, V., Iber, M., Kriegshaber, U., Aigner, W., Judmaier, P., & Eggeling, E. (2017). Requirements Analysis & Concepts for Future European Air Traffic Control Systems. Workshop Vis in Practice - Visualization Solutions in the Wild, IEEE VIS 2017.
Aigner, W., Moser, T., Blumenstein, K., Zeppelzauer, M., Iber, M., & Schmiedl, G. (Eds.). (2017). FMT 2017 - Proceedings of the 10th Forum Media Technology and 3rd All Around Audio Symposium.
Aigner, W., Schmiedl, G., Blumenstein, K., Zeppelzauer, M., & Iber, M. (Eds.). (2016). FMT 2016 - Proceedings of the 9th Forum Media Technology and 2nd All Around Audio Symposium.
Iber, M. (2016, September 13). A Breeze of Familiarity. reality re:coded, Hochschule Darmstadt.
Fischer, T., Kiselka, A., Dlapka, R., Doppler, J., Iber, M., Gradl, C., Gorgas, A.-M., Siragy, T., & Horsak, B. (2016). An Auditory Feedback System in Use with People Aged +50 Years: Compliance and Modifications in Gait Pattern. In J. Ibáñez, J. González-Vargas, J. M. Azorín, M. Akay, & J. L. Pons (Eds.), Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II (pp. 881–885). Springer International Publishing.
Felberbauer, T., Moser, T., Iber, M., & Fidler, F. (2016). DataViSon: ein Schritt hin zur dezentralen Produktionssteuerung. Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(6), 22–26.
Gorgas, A.-M., Schön, L., Dlapka, R., Doppler, J., Iber, M., Gradl, C., Kiselka, A., Siragy, T., & Horsak, B. (2016). Short-Term Effects of Real-Time Auditory Display (Sonification) on Gait Parameters in People with Parkinsons’ Disease—A Pilot Study. In J. Ibáñez, J. González-Vargas, J. M. Azorín, M. Akay, & J. L. Pons (Eds.), Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II (pp. 855–859). Springer International Publishing.
Fischer, T., & Kiselka, A. (2016). An Auditory Feedback System in Use with People Aged +50 Years: Compliance and Modifications in Gait Pattern. 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, Segovia, Spain.
Horsak, B., Dlapka, R., Iber, M., Gorgas, A.-M., Kiselka, A., Gradl, C., Siragy, T., & Doppler, J. (2016). SONIGait: a wireless instrumented insole device for real-time sonification of gait. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 10(3), 195–206.
Siragy, T., Doppler, J., Gorgas, A.-M., Dlapka, R., Iber, M., Kiselka, A., Gradl, C., & Horsak, B. (2016). Framework for Real-time Auditory Display of Plantar Pressure during Walking. Tagungsband Des 10. Forschungsforum Der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen. 10. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Wien, Österreich.
Endemann, M. (2016). Die musizierende Schuhsohle - So klingt Ihre persönliche Gangstörung [Broadcast]. In radiodoktor – das ö1 gesundheitsmagazin. Ö1.
Iber, M. (2015, September 17). Sonification and Music - the thin line between art and information [Keynote]. Electroacoustic Winds, Aveiro, Portugal.
Iber, M., Horsak, B., Bauer, K., Kiselka, A., Gorgas, A.-M., Dlapka, R., & Doppler, J. (2015). Pilotstudie zur sonifikationsgestützten Ganganalyse. Forum Medientechnik - Next Generation, New Ideas, 51–68.
Horsak, B., Iber, M., Bauer, K., Kiselka, A., Gorgas, A.-M., Dlapka, R., & Doppler, J. (2015). A wireless instrumented insole device for real-time sonification of gait. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Auditory Display, 94–101.
Iber, M. (2014). Auditory Logistic Analysis.
Iber, M., & Windt, K. (2012). Order-Related Acoustic Characterization of Production Data. Logistics Research, 5(3–4), 89–98.
Iber, M., Klein, J., & Windt, K. (2012). Die Grooving Factory - Logistische Datenanalse im Klanglabor. In A. Schoon & A. Volmar (Eds.), Das geschulte Ohr: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Sonifikation (1st ed., pp. 147–162). Transcript.
Iber, M., & Windt, K. (2011). Grooving Factory : Engpassanalyse in der Produktionslogistik. In A. Frotschnig & H. Raffaseder (Eds.), Forum Medientechnik - Next Generartion, New Ideas (pp. 83–91). Verlag Werner Hülsbusch.
Iber, M. (2005). soundalike: sounds like sounds we like. Neue Zeitschrift Für Musik, 166(6), 16–17.