
Dipl.-Ing. Patrik Lechner BSc

  • former employee



Bruckner, Franziska, Feyersinger, Erwin, & Lechner, Patrik. (2023, June 14). AniVision: Machine Learning as a Tool for Studying Animation in Ephemeral Films [Vortrag]. Society for Animation Studies 34th Annual Conference – The Animated Environment, Online – Glassboro.
Iber, M., Lechner, P., Jandl, C., Mader, M., & Reichmann, M. (2020). Auditory augmented process monitoring for cyber physical production systems. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Lechner, P. (2020, September 8). Room Impulse Response Estimation Using Signed Distance Functions. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-20). International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-20), Vienna (Austria).
Rottermanner, G., Oliveira, V. A. D. J., Kreiger, M., Graf, P., Rokitansky, C.-H., Eschbacher, K., Settgast, V., Grantz, V., Iber, M., Lechner, P., Judmaier, P., & Wagner, M. (2020). Design and Evaluation of a Tool to Support Air Traffic Control with 2D and 3D Visualizations. 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Atlanta, USA.
Iber, M., Lechner, P., Jandl, C., Mader, M., & Reichmann, M. (2019). Auditory Augmented Reality for Cyber Physical Production Systems. AudioMostly (AM"19). AudioMostly (AM"19), Nottingham, UNited Kingdom.}
Husinsky, M., & Lechner, P. (2015). Das Rhythmus-Radar. Mensch Und Computer 2015 Workshopband, 339–344.
Rubisch, J., & Lechner, P. (2013, June 28). Interaction Design für Generative Musikprozesse. next_generation 5.0 AKUSMATIK, Internationales Treffen der elektronischen Hochschulstudios Konzerte − Vorträge − Installationen, Karlsruhe, Deutschland.