Sara Ladner BSc
Teaching and Research Assistant
Media Computing Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies - Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Location: A - Campus-Platz 1
- Media and Digital Technologies
Short profile
- since 02/2024 Research Assistant IC\M/T
- since 09/2023 Master Interactive Technologies
- 09/2020 - 09/2023 Bachelor Media Technology
Research Interests:
- UI/UX-Design und Testing
- Special interest in interaction design and prototyping
Judmaier, P., Ladner, S., Taurer, F., Mynha, C., Mauthner, B., Salhofer, S., Beigl, P., & Huber-Humer, M. (2024). Motivations-Apps und Gamification in der Abfallwirtschaft. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft.