Ordered by year and author
Bruckner, Franziska, Gilic, N., Sulic, D., & Turkovic, H. (Eds.). (2019). Global Animation Theory. International Perspectives at Animafest Zagreb. Bloomsbury Academic.
Bruckner, Franziska, Gilic, N., Sulic, D., & Turkovic, H. (Eds.). (2019). Global Animation Theory. International Perspectives at Animafest Zagreb. Bloomsbury Academic.
Despotovic, M., Koch, D., Leiber, S., Döller, M., Sakeena, M., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2019). Prediction and analysis of heating energy demand for detached houses by computer vision. Energy & Buildings, 193, 29–35.
Ebner-Zarl, A. (2019). Digitale Spiele als Gegenstand feministischer Game Studies. In J. Dorer, B. Geiger, B. Hipfl, & V. Ratković (Eds.), Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht (pp. 1–14). Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften. Springer VS.
Grabner, M., & von Suess, R. (2019). Herstellung eines Zaunrings | Holzhandwerk revisited [Edutorial; Videobeitrag].
Grabner, M., von Suess, R., Winkler, J., Nemestothy, S., Blasinger, F., & Vogt, G. (2019). Holzhandwerk revisited - Forschungsfest Niederösterreich im Palais Niederösterreich [Projektpräsentation]. Forschungsfest Niederösterreich, Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Wien.
Iber, M., Lechner, P., Jandl, C., Mader, M., & Reichmann, M. (2019). Auditory Augmented Reality for Cyber Physical Production Systems. AudioMostly (AM"19). AudioMostly (AM"19), Nottingham, UNited Kingdom.}
Krone, J., & Gebesmair, A. (Eds.). (2019). Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientierter Medien. Massenkommunikation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Nomos.
Litschka, M. (2019). The Political Economy of Media Capabilities: The Capability Approach in Media Policy. Journal of Information Policy, 9, 63–94.
Litschka, M., & Pellegrini, T. (2019). Considerations on the Governance of Open Data – an Institutional Economic Perspective. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 9(3/4), 247–263.
Litschka, M. (2019). Corporate Responsibility in a Mediatized World: Institutional Ethics and the Question of Consumer Sovereignty. In T. Eberwein, M. Karmasin, F. Krotz, & M. Rath (Eds.), Responsibility and Resistance: Ethics in Mediatized Worlds (pp. 161–173). Springer VS.
Musik, C., & Bogner, Alexander. (2019). Digitalization and Society. A Sociology of Technology Perspective on Current Trends in Data, Digital Security and the Internet. Springer VS.
Schwarzenegger, C., Falböck, G., Ellefson, M., Agirreazkuenaga, I., Ferrer, A. F., Graf, H., & Yanglyaeva, M. (2019). Ethnic Minorities and the Media – A Struggle for Voice, Self and Community? In K. Arnold, P. Paschal, & S. Kinnebrock (Eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History (pp. 437–474). Wiley-Blackwell.
Seidl, Markus, & Zeppelzauer, Matthias. (2019). Towards Distinction of Rock Art Pecking Styles with a Hybrid 2D/3D Approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 4.
Slijepcevic, D., Raberger, A.-M., Zeppelzauer, M., Dumphart, B., Breiteneder, C., & Horsak, B. (2019). On the usefullness of statistical parameter mapping for feature selection in automated gait classification. Book of Abstracts of the 25th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), 1.
Slijepcevic, D., Raberger, A.-M., Zeppelzauer, M., Dumphart, B., Breiteneder, C., & Horsak, B. (2019). On the usefulness of statistical parameter mapping for feature selection in automated gait classification. Book of Abstracts of the 25th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), 1.
Stoiber, C., Rind, A., Grassinger, F., Gutounig, R., Goldgruber, E., Sedlmair, M., Emrich, S., & Aigner, W. (2019). netflower: Dynamic Network Visualization for Data Journalists. Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis "19), 38.
Zielinski, B., Lipinski, Michal, Juda, M., Zeppelzauer, M., & Dlotko, Pawel. (2019). Persistence Bag-of-Words for Topological Data Analysis. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019, 6.
Andrienko, N., Lammarsch, T., Andrienko, G., Fuchs, G., Keim, D. A., Miksch, S., & Rind, A. (2018). Viewing Visual Analytics as Model Building. Computer Graphics Forum, 37(6), 275–299.
Bernard, J., Zeppelzauer, M., Sedlmair, M., & Aigner, W. (2018). VIAL – A Unified Process for Visual-Interactive Labeling. The Visual Computer, 34(1189), 16.