
Top Publications
Ordered by year and author
Bernard, Jürgen, Hutter, M., Zeppelzauer, M., Fellner, D., & Sedlmair, M. (2017). Comparing Visual-Interactive Labeling with Active Learning: An Experimental Study. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 24(1).
Blumenstein, K., Kaltenbrunner, M., Seidl, M., Breban, L., Thür, N., & Aigner, W. (2017). Bringing Your Own Device into Multi-device Ecologies - A Technical Concept. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, 306–311.
Bögl, M., Filzmoser, P., Gschwandtner, T., Lammarsch, T., Leite, R. A., Miksch, S., & Rind, A. (2017). Cycle Plot Revisited: Multivariate Outlier Detection Using a Distance-Based Abstraction. Computer Graphics Forum, 36, 227–238.
Ebner-Zarl, A. (2017). Visual Children’s Cultures: Gender Roles in Games and Movies for Children. In J. Helbig & R. Schallegger (Eds.), Digitale Spiele (Vol. 5, pp. 220–249). Herbert von Halem Verlag.
Federico, P., Wagner, M., Rind, A., Amor-Amorós, A., Miksch, S., & Aigner, W. (2017). The Role of Explicit Knowledge: A Conceptual Model of Knowledge-Assisted Visual Analytics. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 92–103.
Ganahl, S., & Erb, M. (Eds.). (2017). Algorithmic Governmentality. Le Foucaldien, 3(1).
Kovarova-Simecek, M. (2017). Effective resource allocation in PR and IR - linking the output and impact of corporate communications. In T. Becker, P. Schneckenleitner, W. Reitberger, & A. Brunner-Sperdin (Eds.), Conference Proceedings Trend in Business Communication 2016 (pp. 33–48). Springer Gabler.
Krone, J. (2017). Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientiert Medien - digitale Massenkommunikation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. MedienWirtschaft, 2/2017, 40–43.
Litschka, M., & Karmasin, M. (2017). CSR as economic, ethical and communicative concept. In S. Diehl, B. Müller, R. Terlutter, & F. Weder (Eds.), Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication (pp. 37–50). Springer.
Pellegrini, T. (2017). Semantic metadata in the publishing industry – technological achievements and economic implications. Electronic Markets, 27(1), 9–20.
Pellegrini, T., & Krone, J. (2017). Netzneutralität und digitaler Medienvertrieb. In Handbuch Medienökonomie. Life Edition (Vol. 1, pp. 347–368). Springer Fachmedien.;
Pellegrini, T., Kovarova-Simecek, M., Bauer, V., & Aubram, T. (2017). Urheberrechtswissen und -praxis in Social Networks. Trends und Communities der Rechtsinformatik - Tagungsband der 20. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposium, 326, 639–646.
Rind, A., Haberson, A., Blumenstein, K., Niederer, C., Wagner, M., & Aigner, W. (2017). PubViz: Lightweight Visual Presentation of Publication Data. In B. Kozlíková, T. Schreck, & T. Wischgoll (Eds.), Proc. Eurographics Conf. Visualization (EuroVis) – Short Paper (pp. 169–173). EuroGraphics.
Rind, A., Federico, P., Gschwandtner, T., Aigner, W., Doppler, J., & Wagner, M. (2017). Visual Analytics of Electronic Health Records with a Focus on Time. In G. Rinaldi (Ed.), New Perspectives in Medical Records: Meeting the Needs of Patients and Practitioners (pp. 65–77). Springer.
Slijepcevic, D., Horsak, B., Schwab, C., Raberger, A.-M., Schüller, M., Baca, A., Breitender, C., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2017). Ground reaction force measurements for gait classification tasks: Effects of different PCA-based representations. Gait & Posture Supplement, 57, 4–5.
Tominski, C., Aigner, W., Miksch, S., & Schumann, H. (2017). Images of Time: Visual Representation of Time-Oriented Data. In A. Black, P. Luna, O. Lund, & S. Walker (Eds.), Information Design: Research and Practice (pp. 23–42). Gower/Routledge.
Wagner, M., Rind, A., Thür, N., & Aigner, W. (2017). A knowledge-assisted visual malware analysis system: design, validation, and reflection of KAMAS. Computers & Security, 67, 1–15.
Wagner, M., Sacha, D., Rind, A., Fischer, F., Luh, R., Schrittwieser, S., Keim, D. A., & Aigner, W. (2017). Visual Analytics: Foundations and Experiences in Malware Analysis. In L. B. Othmane, M. G. Jaatun, & E. Weippl (Eds.), Empirical Research for Software Security: Foundations and Experience (pp. 139–171). CRC/Taylor and Francis.
Altendorfer, K., Felberbauer, T., & Jodlbauer, H. (2016). Effects of forecast errors on optimal utilisation in aggregate production planning with stochastic customer demand. International Journal of Production Research, 54(12), 3718–3735.
Blumenstein, K., Niederer, C., Wagner, M., Schmiedl, G., Rind, A., & Aigner, W. (2016). Evaluating Information Visualization on Mobile Devices: Gaps and Challenges in the Empirical Evaluation Design Space. Proceedings of 2016 Workshop on Beyond Time And Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods For Visualization, 125–132.