Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Größbacher BSc
Junior Researcher
Media Computing Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies -
Junior Researcher
Josef Ressel Center for Knowledge-Assisted Visual Analytics for Industrial Manufacturing Data - Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Study programmes
- Digital Healthcare (MA)
- Creative Computing (BA)
- Media Technology (BA)
- Media and Digital Technologies
- Josef Ressel Center Industrial Data Lab
- Smart Companion 2
- BündelHeinz- Novel approach for streamlining ordering and delivery processes according to ecological and social criteria
- FIVE - #Fitspiration Image VErification
- IoT4LAC – IoT Applications for Communities in Lower Austria
- LEWELJU - Workshops for developing a risk competence game about the living environments of young people
- ARmEO - Augmented Reality meets Earth Observation
- TailoredMedia
- Homeless
- Homeless
- Smart Companion
- WiKant-Knowledge-based production of profiles
- A Child’s Courage
- Open Solar House App (DIHOST)
- CargoRider 2 – Innovative Mobility Service
- VAST – Virtual Airspace and Tower
- ISP Empowerment Game
- SecureMobile – Reducing fears in mobility
- Momotarō
- IMPECD - Improvement of Education and Competences in Dietetics
- Guide for public healthcare in Lower Austria
- Master of Disaster
- upribox 2 - Usable Privacy Box 2
- Enterprise 4.0
- AK web analysis
- banqpro/