Dr. Yulia Belinskaya MA
Media Business Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies - Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Study programmes
- Media Management (BA)
- Media and Digital Technologies
Short Bio
- 04/2023-ongoing Researcher, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.
- 10/2018-ongoing Lecturer, University of Vienna, Department of Communication.
- 02/2022-09/2022 Associate lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
- 07/2022-10/2022 Research assistant, University for Continuing Education, Department of E-Governance, Krems. Project: ARES - Attack resilience for IoT-Based sensor devices in home automation.
- 04/2018-04/2022 Research assistant (Prae-doc), University of Vienna, Department of Communication.
- 02/2017-04/2018 Teaching coordinator, University of Vienna. Project: OLIve - Refugee Education Initiatives I, funded by Erasmus Plus.
Research Interests

The main areas of research cover the governance of communicative spaces and mechanisms of public opinion manipulation. Research interests include cultural and political communication, digital media, the spread of mis- and disinformation, and propaganda across various platforms. Other areas of focus involve media and cultural policies, platformisation, festivalisation of culture, and ethics of communication, e.g. in the context of AI.
Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (2025). Discourses of Misinformation in the Russian Diaspora: Building Trust across Instant Messaging Channels. In WhatsApp in the World. Disinformation, Encryption, and Extreme Speech. (p. 312). New York University Press.
Belinskaya, Y., & Kolokytha, O. (2025). From outlaw art to urban euphoria: Graffiti legitimization processes from within. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 11(2), 171–191. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1386/jucs_00087_1
Kolokytha, O., Belinskaya, Y., & Magkou, M. (2024). Religion and Politics: Silencing Greek Theatre in the Twenty-First Century. In Theatre Censorship In Contemporary Europe. Silence and Protest. https://doi.org/10.47788/TJBJ7381
Belinskaya, Y., Krone, J., Litschka, M., Pinzolits, R., & Roither, M. (2024). KI in der Medienwirtschaft. Studienreihe zu Künstlicher Intelligenz. RTR-GmbH.
Belinskaya, Y. (2024, April 4). Sustainability and beyond: Media Frames of Climate Change in Regional Dynamics. 7th International Conference in Communication and Media Studies, Famagusta, North Cyprus.
Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (2024). Desflecando Telegram: un campo de batalla en la esfera pública desbordada rusa. In De la desinformación a la conspiración. Política y comunicación ante un escenario mediático híbrido. Tirant Lo Blanch.
Belinskaya, Y. (2023, January 8). Broken Mirrors and Fake News: The Russian Authoritarianism from Der Spiegel. ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia.
Belinskaya, Y. (2023, July 28). City Invaders: 8-Bit Video Games for the Right to the City. ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia.
Rodriguez-Amat, J. R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2023). ‘No coronavirus can leave us without sex’: relations of complicity and solidarity on Pornhub. Porn Studies, 10(3), 233–251. https://doi.org/10.1080/23268743.2022.2085161
Belinskaya, Y. (2023). ‘Insider news’ on Russian Telegram: Resembling truth, proximity and objectivity. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies. https://doi.org/10.1386/ajms_00108_1
Belinskaya, Y. (2023). How the internet is being tamed in Russia: Chronicle of state securitization measures. Journalism Research, 6(1), 71–92. https://doi.org/10.1453/2569-152x-12023-13030-en
Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (2022, May). Can AI ever be as smart as Sherlock Holmes? Pop Culture Conference: A Celebration of Sherlock Holmes, Chicago, USA.
Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (2022, October 19). Digital cultures of protest in the TikTok-sphere. ECREA 2022, 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Belinskaya, Y. (2021). The Ghosts Navalny Met: Russian YouTube-Sphere in Check. Journalism and Media, 2(4), 674–696. https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia2040040
Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (2021). Strip-teasing COVID-19 porn: A promising silhouette of a community, or the dark alley of a platformized industry? First Monday. https://doi.org/2013
Belinskaya, Y., & Kolokytha, O. (2021). From Vandalism to Art: Developments and Transformation Processes in Graffiti. ESA 2021: 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association.
Brantner, C., Rodríguez-Amat, J. R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). Structures of the Public Sphere: Contested Spaces as Assembled Interfaces. Media and Communication, 9(3), 16–27. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v9i3.3932
Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (2021). Algorithmic Alchemy: ‘The Power of the Witch’ on YouTube. ICA 2021: The 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference. Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice.
Belinskaya, Y., & Kolokytha, O. (2021). The many faces of resilience: dynamics of artistic practices and legitimisation in graffiti, in resilience of cultural policy. ICCPR 2020.
Rodriguez-Amat, J. R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). #Germancinema in the Eye of Instagram: Showcasing a Method Combination. In I. Herrschner, K. Stevens, & B. Nickl (Eds.), Transnational German Cinema (pp. 109–131). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72917-2_7
Belinskaya, Y. (2020). Trollfabriken und das Protestnetzwerk der russischen Opposition auf YouTube. Journal.Kommunikation-Medien, 12, 1–28. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25598/JKM/2020-12.3
Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (2020). Interfaces of Political Participation: Challenging the Analysis of Communicative Spaces.
Belinskaya, Y., Brantner, C., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (2019). Revisitando la esfera pública (urbana): un modelo de análisis. . . ISSN.
Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. R. (n.d.). Russian Encounters in the TikTok-Sphere. ICA 2022: One World, One Network‽, Paris, France.