Dr. Yulia Belinskaya MA
Media Business Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies - Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Study programmes
- Media Management (BA)
- Media and Digital Technologies
Short Bio
- 04/2023-ongoing Researcher, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.
- 10/2018-ongoing Lecturer, University of Vienna, Department of Communication.
- 02/2022-09/2022 Associate lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
- 07/2022-10/2022 Research assistant, University for Continuing Education, Department of E-Governance, Krems. Project: ARES - Attack resilience for IoT-Based sensor devices in home automation.
- 04/2018-04/2022 Research assistant (Prae-doc), University of Vienna, Department of Communication.
- 02/2017-04/2018 Teaching coordinator, University of Vienna. Project: OLIve - Refugee Education Initiatives I, funded by Erasmus Plus.
Research Interests
The main areas of research cover the governance of communicative spaces and mechanisms of public opinion manipulation. Research interests include cultural and political communication, digital media, the spread of mis- and disinformation, and propaganda across various platforms. Other areas of focus involve media and cultural policies, platformisation, festivalisation of culture, and ethics of communication, e.g. in the context of AI.