FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Markus Seidl Bakk.
- Academic Director Creative Computing (BA)
- Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Study programmes
- Creative Computing (BA)
- Digital Design (MA)
- Digital Media Technologies (MA)
- Interactive Technologies (MA)
- Digital Innovation and Research (MA)
- Media Technology (BA)
- Data Intelligence (MA)
- Data Science and Business Analytics (BA)
- Digital Media Production (MA)
- Computer Science and Security
- Media and Digital Technologies
About me
Markus is an expert for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. He has gained extensive experience in scientific collaboration with other disciplines in various Digital Heritage projects, e.g. from 2010-2016 he was working intensively with an international group of archaeologists on digital documentation and analysis methods of rock art. He has developed approaches for surface segmentation, shape classification and pecking style analysis of petroglyphs based on 2D and 3D images thereof. The collaboration was awarded the Europa Nostra award for Cultural Heritage 2016.
In a second strand of scientific work, Markus works on digital artefacts that enhance the museum experience. His group developed a long line of multi-touch tabletop applications for museums. The digital tabletop applications have mostly been designed and developed for young target groups and were and currently are exhibited e.g. in the Admont Abbey, the Prunksaal of the Austrian National Library, the Triennale Design Museum in Milano and the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at Cambridge University. Currently he is investigating the inclusion of the visitor ́s own devices in the digital ecosystems of museums.
Markus Seidl is Lecturer since 2004 and FH Professor since 2011. He was serving as Head of the Media Computing Research Group and Managing Director of the Institute for Creative \Media/ Technologies from 2015-2020.
- Visual Heritage
- Trust AI - A platform for interactive and trustworthy artificial intelligence.
- PEUAFLEU – Analysis of Fleuronnee
- Scribe ID AI
- PaFH
- Creative Code Lab 1 (WS 21)
- Big-Data Analytics
- Data Science Bootcamp
- Creative Code Lab 1: Games and Playful Front Ends
- Golden Wire
- IntelliGait – Intelligent Gait Analysis
- SecureMobile – Reducing fears in mobility
- DSA-Table
- Ressel Center: Horizons of personalized music therapy 1
- Der digitale Babenberger Stammbaum
- Haus der Zukunft St Pölten
- Pizza Pong
- Pitoti 3D
- Multi-Touch Table App fürs Karikaturmuseum Krems
- Everdo
- Augmented Paper
- Die geheime Offenbarung
- Okto Linked Open Data – constructing an online media-library
- Influence
- FLEXICOACH - Nutzeroptimierte Schienenfahrzeuge
- Cultural Broadcast Archive (CBA)
- Multi-touch Rocks: Playing with Tangible Virtual Heritage
- Petroglyph Detection and Classification
- SLOOP – Explore your city!
- Ars Electronica 09 – HUMAN NATURE
- WUP verleiht Ars Electronica Center eindrucksvolle Fassade
- Deep Tagging - Automatic Image Tagging by Deep Learning
- Energieerlebniswelt Sonnenplatz
Selected supervised theses
- Schaupp, D., Development of a Siamese Convolutional Neural Network for Handwritten Text Similarity Estimation in Medieval Manuscripts, Master Thesis, St. Pölten, 2022.
- Weißmann, J., Maschinelles Lernen zur Untersuchung von Schreiberhänden des Klosterneuburger Skriptoriums im letzten Drittel des 12. Jahrhunderts, Masterarbeit, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 2022.
- Wieser, E., Skeletonization of Petroglyph Shapes, Master Thesis, St. Pölten, 2014.
- Wieser, E., Entwicklung einer Software zur automatisierten Erkennung von Sprache und Musik in den Radiobeiträgen des Cultural Broadcasting Archive, Bachelor Thesis, St. Pölten, 2012.
Press coverage
Gar nicht oberflächlich
06/20/2016Medium: Profil
Neue digitale Werkzeuge für Archäologen
04/09/2016Medium: Die Presse
Author: gral
Ein Tal voller Mysterien
11/01/2015Medium: Universum Magazin
Author: Kurt de Swaaf
Rettung für "kleine Puppen"
04/07/2015Medium: Falter
Author: Sonja Dries
Alte Disziplin mit neuen Mitteln. ArchäologInnen untersuchen prähistorische Steinfiguren mit dem 3D-Scanner
04/01/2015Medium: Antike Welt
Felsmalerei digital erkennen
03/07/2015Medium: Die Presse
Author: por
Technik aus St. Pölten für Italien
02/28/2015Medium: Bezirksblätter
Author: Eva Dietl-Schuller
Durch den Einsatz neuester Technik digitalisieren Medientechniker in Projekt Steinbilder.
Alte Disziplin mit neuen Mitteln.
02/28/2015Medium: NÖN
Neue Technik für uralte Felsbilder
02/16/2015Medium: Salzburger Nachrichten
Graffiti aus der Eisenzeit im 3D-Scanner
Publication date: 05.03.2014
Medium: Der Standard
Author: Kurt de Swaaf
Vom Stein auf den Schirm
02/01/2014Medium: NÖN
Dinosaurier aus Fleisch und Blut
08/21/2017Medium: profil
Smartphones und Tablets machen Museumsbesuche zum multimedialen und interaktiven Erlebnis - das verspricht zumindest das Projekt MEETeUX, das von der FH St. Pölten koordiniert wird. Dabei geht es um die Entwicklung digitaler Formen der Ausstellungsgestaltung.
FH hilft, richtig zu gehen
08/23/2016Medium: NÖN St. Pöltner Zeitung
Author: NÖN
Besuch bei den Püppchen aus der Bronzezeit
07/11/2016Medium: OÖN - Oberösterreichische Nachrichten