
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Markus Seidl Bakk.

  • Studiengangsleiter Creative Computing (BA)
  • Department Medien und Digitale Technologien
Arbeitsplatz: A - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 245


  • Creative Computing (BA)
  • Smart Engineering (BA)
  • Interactive Technologies (MA)
  • Digital Innovation and Research (MA)
  • Medientechnik (BA)
  • Data Intelligence (MA)
  • Digital Media Production (MA)
  • Digital Design (MA)
  • Digitale Medientechnologien (MA)
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (BA)


  • Medien und Digitale Technologien
  • Informatik und Security

Über mich

Markus ist ein Experte für Computer Vision und Mustererkennung. Er hat umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Disziplinen in verschiedenen Projekten des Digital Cultural Heritage gesammelt, z.B. arbeitete er von 2010-2016 intensiv mit einer internationalen Gruppe von ArchäologInnen an der digitalen Dokumentation von Felskunst (Petroglyphen) und darauf basierenden Analysen. Er hat 2D und 3D Methoden für die Oberflächensegmentierung, Formklassifizierung und Pecking Style Analyse von Petroglyphen entwickelt. Die Zusammenarbeit wurde mit dem Europa Nostra Award for Cultural Heritage 2016 ausgezeichnet.

In einem zweiten Strang arbeitet Markus an digitalen Artefakten, die das Museumserlebnis bereichern. Seine Gruppe entwickelte eine Reihe von Multi-Touch-Tischanwendungen für Museen. Die digitalen Tabletop-Anwendungen sind meist für junge Zielgruppen konzipiert und entwickelt worden und wurden und werden z.B. im Stift Admont, im Prunksaal der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, im Triennale Design Museum in Mailand und im Museum für Archäologie und Anthropologie der Universität Cambridge ausgestellt. Derzeit untersucht er die Integration der eigenen Geräte der BesucherInnen in die digitalen Ökosysteme von Museen.

Markus Seidl ist seit 2004 FH Dozent und seit 2011 FH Professor. Er war von 2015 bis 2020 Forschungsgruppenleiter der Media Computing Research Group und Institutsleiter des Instituts für Creative \ Media / Technologies.



Ausgewählte betreute Abschlussarbeiten


Weißmann, J., Seidl, M., Dietrich, A., & Haltrich, M. (2024). Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 18(1).
Seidl, M. (2023, August 12). Digitally enhanced museum experience & cultural artifact understanding. 8th Workshop on Digital Skills for Culture & Creative Industries, Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT).
Haltrich, M., & Seidl, M. (2023, June 23). ScribeId AI - Automatische Schreibererkennung in Manuskripten des 12. Jhds. Series: Digital Humanities at IMAFO-Historical Identity Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research Seminarraum, 4. Stock, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Wien.
Seidl, M. (2023, November 4). Digitally Enhanced Museum Experience & Cultural Artifact Understanding. ATLAS colloquium, UC Boulder, Colorado.
Haltrich, M., Seidl, M., Reich, V., Weißmann, J., Jackel, C., Strebl, J., & Sakeena, M. (2023). ScribeID AI – Exploring the origins of the Klosterneuburg scriptorium using artificial intelligence. In M. Haltrich & K. Holubar (Eds.), Medialitäten von Heiligkeit (1st ed., Vol. 24, pp. 199–204). Böhlau.
Seidl, M., Zeppelzauer, M., & Roth, P. M. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2021 - Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis Across Domains. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
Strebl, J., Stumpe, E., Baumhauer, T., Kernstock, L., Seidl, M., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2022). One-Pixel Instance Segmentation of Leaves. Proceedings of the Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition, 6.
Seidl, M. (2021, May 28). Creative Computing - Experiential Learning on a Curricular Scale. Designing Innovation in STEAM Education conference 2021, Linz, Austria (Online).
Blumenstein, K., Oliveira, V., Boucher, M., Größbacher, S., Seidl, M., & Aigner, W. (2021). Situated Visualization of Historical Timeline Data on Mobile Devices: Design Study for a Museum Application. Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2021, 536–557.
Boucher, M., Blumenstein, K., Oliveira, V. A. D. J., & Seidl, M. (2021). BYOD - Bringing Your Own Device into Single-Surface Interaction Models. TEI 2021. TEI 2021, Salzburg, Austria.
Strebl, J., Slijepcevic, D., Kirchknopf, A., Sakeena, M., Seidl, M., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2020). How High is the Tide? Estimation of Flood Level from Social Media. Proceedings of Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020, 2.
Blumenstein, K., Oliveira, V. A. D. J., Größbacher, S., Boucher, M., Seidl, M., & Aigner, W. (2019). Design of Time-Oriented Visualization for Mobile Applications in Museums: A Comparative Evaluation. Adjunct Proceedings CHItaly19, 39–43.
Seidl, Markus, & Zeppelzauer, Matthias. (2019). Towards Distinction of Rock Art Pecking Styles with a Hybrid 2D/3D Approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 4.
Strebl, J., Slijepcevic, D., Kirchknopf, A., Sakeena, M., Seidl, M., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2019). Flood Level Estimation from Social Media Images. CEUR Proceedings of the MediaEval 2019 Workshop, 2670, 2.
Seidl, M., Moser, T., Blumenstein, K., Zeppelzauer, M., & Iber, M. (Eds.). (2018). FMT 2018 - Proceedings of the 11th Forum Media Technology and 4th All Around Audio Symposium.
Zeppelzauer, M., Zielinski, B., Juda, M., & Seidl, M. (2018). A Study on Topological Descriptors for the Analysis of 3D Surface Texture. Journal on Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 167, 74–88.
Kirchknopf, A., Slijepcevic, D., Zeppelzauer, M., & Seidl, M. (2018). Detection of Road Passability from Social Media and Satellite Images. CEUR Proceedings of the MediaEval 2018 Workshop, 2.
Schönhofer, A., Hubner, S., Rashed, P., Aigner, W., Judmaier, P., & Seidl, M. (2018). ViennAR: User-Centered-Design of a Bring Your Own Device Mobile Application with Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, 275–291.
Poier, G., Seidl, M., Zeppelzauer, M., Reinbacher, C., Schaich, M., Bellandi, G., Marretta, A., & Bischof, H. (2017). The 3D-Pitoti Dataset: A Dataset for High-resolution 3D Surface Segmentation. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 5:1-5:7.
Niederer, C., Größbacher, S. G., Aigner, W., Judmaier, P., & Seidl, M. (2017). Comic Experience: Narrative & Collaborative Drawing on a Multi-Touch Table in an Art Museum. Proceedings of the 10th Forum Media Technology 2017.
Blumenstein, K., Kaltenbrunner, M., Seidl, M., Breban, L., Thür, N., & Aigner, W. (2017). Bringing Your Own Device into Multi-device Ecologies - A Technical Concept. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, 306–311.
Seidl, M. (2017, September 26). Digitally Enhancing Museum Experience & Understanding of Archeological Artefacts [Invited talk]. 15th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Graz, Austria.
Blumenstein, K., Niederer, C., Wagner, M., Pfersmann, W., Seidl, M., & Aigner, W. (2017). Visualizing Spatial and Time-Oriented Data in a Second Screen Application. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services.
Poier, G., Seidl, M., Zeppelzauer, M., Reinbacher, C., Schaich, M., Bellandi, G., Marretta, A., & Bischof, H. (2017). The 3D-Pitoti Dataset: A Dataset for high-resolution 3D Surface Segmentation. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing - CBMI "17, 1–7.
Blumenstein, K., Leitner, B., Thür, N., Kirchknopf, A., Seidl, M., & Aigner, W. (2017). LiveVis: Visualizing Results of Second Screen Surveys in Real Time at TV Stages. Workshop Vis in Practice - Visualization Solutions in the Wild, IEEE VIS 2017.
Zeppelzauer, M., Poier, G., Seidl, M., Reinbacher, C., Schulter, Samuel, C., Breiteneder, C., & Bischof, Horst. (2016). Interactive 3D Segmentation of Rock-Art by Enhanced Depth Maps and Gradient Preserving Regularization. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 9(4), 19:1-19:30.
Zeppelzauer, M., Zielinski, B., Juda, M., & Seidl, M. (2016). A Study on Topological Descriptors for the Analysis of 3D Surface Texture. Journal on Computer and System Sciences, 60.
Wieser, E., Seidl, M., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2016). A Study on Skeletonization of Complex Petroglyph Shapes. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), 1–19.
Seidl, M. (2016). Computational Analysis of Petroglyphs [PhD Thesis, Vienna University of Technology].
Zeppelzauer, M., Zielinski, B., Juda, M., & Seidl, M. (2016). Topological descriptors for 3D surface analysis. In Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context, 9667, 77–87.
Wagner, M., Blumenstein, K., Rind, A., Seidl, M., Schmiedl, G., Lammarsch, T., & Aigner, W. (2016). Native Cross-platform Visualization: A Proof of Concept Based on the Unity3D Game Engine. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV16), forthcoming.
Seidl, M., & Schmiedl, G. (Eds.). (2015). Forum Medientechnik Next Generation, New Ideas: Beiträge der Tagung 2015 an der Fachhochschule St. Pölten (1st ed.). Hülsbusch, W.
Zeppelzauer, M., Poier, G., Seidl, M., Reinbacher, C., Breiteneder, C., & Bischof, H. (2015). Interactive Segmentation of Rock-Art in High-Resolution 3D Reconstructions. Conference Proceedings of Digital Heritage 2015 Full Papers.
Lidon, A., Bolanos, M., Seidl, M., Giro-i-Nieto, X., Radeva, P., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2015). UPC-UB-STP @ MediaEval 2015 Diversity Task: Iterative Reranking of Relevant Images. MediaEval Workshop, 2.
Zeppelzauer, M., Wieser, E., & Seidl, M. (2015). A Novel Annotation Tool for Complex Petroglyph Shapes. The Future of Datasets in Vision Workshop (in conjunction with CVPR 2015), Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Seidl, M. (2015, January 19). Intelligent Processing of High Resolution 3D Scans of Rock Art [Kolloquium]. The Cyprus Institute Colloquium Talks, The Cyprus Institute.
Zeppelzauer, M., Wieser, E., & Seidl, M. (2015). A Novel Annotation Tool for Complex Petroglyph Shapes. The Future of Datasets in Vision Workshop (in Conjunction with CVPR 2015).
Seidl, M., Wieser, E., & Alexander, C. (2015). Automated classification of petroglyphs. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2(2–3), 196–212.
Seidl, M., Wieser, E., & Alexander, C. (2015). Automated classification of petroglyphs. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 0.
Seidl, M., Wieser, E., Zeppelzauer, M., Pinz, A., & Breiteneder, C. (2015). Graph-Based Shape Similarity of Petroglyphs. In L. Agapito, M. M. Bronstein, & C. Rother (Eds.), Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops (Vol. 8925, pp. 133–148). Springer International Publishing.
Zeppelzauer, M., & Seidl, M. (2015). Efficient Image-Space Extraction and Representation of 3D Surface Topography. Conference Proceedings of ICIP - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2015, 2845–2849.
Seidl, M., Wieser, E., & Alexander, C. (2015). Automated Classification of Petroglyphs. DAACH - Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.
Seidl, M., Wieser, E., & Alexander, Craig. (2014, May 22). “Digital Tracing”, Classification and Analysis of 2D and 3D Recordings of Petroglyphs. Conference on Documenting Prehistoric Parietal Art: Recently Developed Digital Recording Techniques, Cambridge University. Department of Archaeology.
Pflegerl, J., Rottermanner, G., Judmaier, P., Sommer, S., Doppler, J., Gruber, W., … Niederer, C. (2014). Multiscreen als Mittel gegen soziale Isolation älterer Menschen am Beispiel des benefit-Projekts BRELOMATE. In M. Seidl & G. Schmiedl (Eds.), Forum Medientechnik - Next Generation, New Ideas: Beiträge der Tagung 2014 an der Fachhochschule St. Pölten (pp. 283–296). Glückstadt: vwh Verlag.
Bauer, K., Kiselka, A., Dlapka, R., Gorgas, A.-M., Gusenbauer, M., Horsak, B., & Doppler, J. (2014). Towards an insole sensor platform for auditory feedback applications in gait rehabilitation. In M. Seidl & G. Schmiedl (Eds.), Forum Medientechnik - Next Generation, New Ideas: Beiträge der Tagung 2014 an der Fachhochschule St. Pölten. Huelsbusch, W.
Wieser, E., Husinsky, M., & Seidl, M. (2014). Speech/Music Discrimination In A Large Database Of Radio Broadcasts From The Wild. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florenz.
Seidl, M., Schmiedl, G., & Kastel, T. (2014). Forum Medientechnik – Next Generation, New Ideas Beitraege der Tagung 2013 an der Fachhochschule St. Poelten. Huelsbusch, W.
Chea, S., Dlapka, R., Janscha, M., Korn, M., Palme, C., Wegscheider, F., Zenz, M., Judmaier, P., & Seidl, M. (2013). Influence. Forum Medientechnik — Next Generation, New Ideas. Beiträge Der Tagung 2013 an Der Fachhochschule St. Pölten, 238.
Seidl, M., Schmiedl, G., & Kastel, T. (2013). Forum Medientechnik - Next Generation, News Ideas. Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, Fachverlag für Medientechnik und -wirtschaft.
Egger, U., Seidl, M., Judmaier, P., Baker, F., Chippindale, C., Grubinger, M., Jax, N., Seidl, G., & Weis, C. (2013). Multi-touch Rocks: User Experience Metrics for a Multi-user Game on a Multi-touch Table. Technical Report TR 01-2013.
Egger, U., Seidl, M., Judmaier, P., Baker, F., Chippindale, C., Grubinger, M., Jax, N., Seidl, G., & Weis, C. (2013). Multi-touch Rocks: User Experience Metrics for a Multi-user Game on a Multi-touch Table.
Seidl, M., & Breiteneder, C. (2012). Automated petroglyph image segmentation with interactive classifier fusion. Proceedings of the Eighth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 66:1-66:8.
Seidl, M., Zeppelzauer, M., Mitrović, D., & Breiteneder, C. (2011). Gradual transition detection in historic film material —a systematic study. J. Comput. Cult. Herit., 4(3), 10:1-10:18.
Seidl, M., Judmaier, P., Baker, F., Chippindale, C., Egger, U., Jax, N., Weis, C., Grubinger, M., & Seidl, G. (2011). Multi-touch Rocks: Playing with Tangible Virtual Heritage in the Museum - First User Tests. VAST11: The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers.
Seidl, M., & Breiteneder, C. (2011). Detection and Classification of Petroglyphs in Gigapixel Images –Preliminary Results. The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST11 - Short and Project Papers.
Seidl, M., & Breiteneder, C. (2011). Detection and Classification of Petroglyphs in Gigapixel Images – Preliminary Results. VAST11: The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short Papers, 45–48.
Schmiedl, G., Blumenstein, K., & Seidl, M. (2011). Usability Testing for Mobile Scenarios of Fragmented Attention. Proceedings of the Chi Sparcs Conference 2011. chi sparcs 2011, Arnhem, The Netherlands.
Seidl, M., Zeppelzauer, M., & Breiteneder, C. (2010). A study of gradual transition detection in historic film material. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on EHeritage and Digital Art Preservation - EHeritage "10, 13.
Schmiedl, G., Seidl, M., & Temper, K. (2010). The mobile web study. Usage, Usability,Fallacies,Pittfalls. 4. Forschungsforum Der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen 7. - 8. April 2010. Pinkafeld/Burgenland, ISBN 978-3-200-01809-9, 440–441.
Schmiedl, G., Seidl, M., Temper, K., Baumert, J., Dobiasch, C., Religa, R., Eder, J., Jaworski, J., Winkler, C., Graf, C., Freudenthaler, C., Salmutter, P., Hellenpart, N., & Gunaker, M. (2009). Studie: Verwendbarkeit und Verwendung des mobilen Webs. Institut für Medieninformatik der FH St. Pölten.
Schmiedl, G., Seidl, M., & Temper, K. (2009). Mobile phone web browsing: a study on usage and usability of the mobile web. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 70:1-70:2.
Schmiedl, G., Seidl, M., & Temper, K. (2009). Usage and Usability of the Mobile Web. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - MobileHCI "09, 2.
Seidl, M. (2007). Öffnet die Archive! In Kompetenznetzwerk Mediengestaltung 2004-2006 (p. 28). Alton-Scheidl, R., Thurner, T., Uhlik, J., Huber, E.(Herausgeber).
Seidl, M. (2006). Technische Einbindung von Moodle in der FH St.Pölten. 3. Internationale Moodle-Konferenz.
Kovács, L., Micsik, A., Schmidt, M., & Seidl, M. (2006). Self-Organizing Distributed Digital Library Supporting Audio-Video. ERCIM News, 66, 42–44.
Seidl, M., Husinsky, M., & Schmidt, M. (2006). Extending the P2P Audio network StreamOnTheFly for video usage and vodcasting. IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2006, 254–259.
Seidl, M., Husinsky, M., & Schmidt, M. (2006). Extending the P2P Audio network StreamOnTheFly for video usage and vodcasting. In P. Isaias, M. B. Nunes, & I. J. Martinez (Eds.), IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2006, Murcia, Spanien 5.-8. Oktober 2006 (pp. 254–259).
Seidl, M. (2005). Blended Learning mit Moodle: Flash MX 2004 auf Hochschulniveau - Ein Blended Learning Kurs im Bereich Softwareschulung. Moodle Konferenz.
Seidl, M. (2005). Blended Learning with Moodle: Didactical and technical aspects of a blended Learning Scenario with Moodle. Proceedings of the Netties Konferenz 2005.


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