
Julian Salhofer BSc MA

  • Junior Researcher
    Forschungsgruppe Media Creation
    Institut für Creative\Media/Technologies
  • Department Medien und Digitale Technologien
Arbeitsplatz: A - Campus-Platz 1


  • Medien und Digitale Technologien


Salhofer, J., & Öhner, V. (2024, November 27). Reimagining Pixilation for Virtual Environments [Presentation]. 6th International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies (IConCMT), St. Pölten, Austria.
Salhofer, J., Bruckner, F., Gürtler, C., Husinsky, M., Nebel, S., & Öhner, V. (2024). Interactive Impulses in VR: A Modular Approach to Combine Stop-Motion Animation and Experimental Puppeteering in a Narrative Virtual Environment. 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 90–96.
Vasof, A., Bruckner, F., Gürtler, C., Schmid, C., Husinsky, M., Zeller, M., Munk, C., Salhofer, J., Schoiswohl, P., Brullo, R., Nguyen-Thi-Minh, H., & Schmidt, R. (2024). VRinMotion – ExperiMotion 3 [VR – Installation].
Vasof, A., Husinsky, M., Salhofer, J., & Öhner, V. (2023, November 28). Augenblick bitte: Der Käfig der Zeit [Demo]. 19. Best Austrian Animation Festivals, Wien.
Gürtler, C., Nebel, S., & Salhofer, J. (2023, September 22). Wie kann mittels analoger Animationstechniken eine virtuelle Welt im Erdinneren zum Leben erweckt werden? [Demo]. Forschungsfest Niederösterreich 2023, Wien.
Kirschner, F., Salhofer, J., & Voegelin, L. (2023, September 10). Animating a Concept: employing stop-motion and puppetry lenses for more-than-human experiences [Invited Talk].
Bruckner, F., & Salhofer, J. (2023, June 6). Redefining Animated Frames for Virtual Environments [Vortrag]. World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb 2023, Zagreb, Croatia.
Bruckner, F., & Salhofer, J. (2023, March 26). Artistic Exploration of Stop-Motion Animation in Virtual Reality: Spatializing the Analog Techniques of Replacement, Cut-Out, and Object Animation [Online Vortrag]. IEEE VR ANIVAE Workshop Series on Animation in Virtual and Augmented Environments, Shanghai.
Bruckner, F., Salhofer, J., Gürtler, C., Hattler, M., & Husinsky, M. (2023). Artistic Exploration of Stop-Motion Animation in Virtual Reality: Spatializing the Analog Techniques of 2D Replacement and Object Animation by Using Digital Cutout and Realtime Rendering. 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 7–12.
Kirschner, F., Vögelin, L., Bruckner, F., Gürtler, C., Schmid, C., Husinsky, M., Zeller, M., Munk, C., Salhofer, J., Schoiswohl, P., Brullo, R., Nguyen-Thi-Minh, H., Rauch, M., & Schmidt, R. (2023). VRinMotion – ExperiMotion 2 [VR – Installation].
Salhofer, J. (2022, November 11). Spatial audio for interactive applications as a control element for animations [Vortrag]. CAGA 2022: 6th Conference of AG Animation – Dimensions of Animation, Hochschule Luzern.
Hattler, M., Petersen, S., Schmid, C., Bruckner, F., Gürtler, C., Husinsky, M., Zeller, M., Jalaeefar, A., Munk, C., Salhofer, J., & others. (2022). VRinMotion–ExperiMotion 1. Dimensions of Animation.