
FH-Prof. Dr. Thomas Moser

  • Institutsleiter Institut für Creative\Media/Technologies
  • Stellvertretender Studiengangsleiter Smart Engineering (BA)
  • Senior Researcher Industrie 4.0 Smart Engineering (BA)
  • Department Medien und Digitale Technologien
Arbeitsplatz: A - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 651


  • Smart Engineering (BA)
  • Digital Innovation and Research (MA)


  • Medien und Digitale Technologien
  • Informatik und Security


  • 2007 - 2009 Universitätsassistent in Forschung und Lehre am Institut für Softwaretechnik und interaktive Systeme der Technischen Universität Wien
  • 2010 Promotion zum Dr.rer.soc.oec. der Wirtschaftsinformatik an der TU Wien
  • 2010 - 2012 Senior Post-Doc Forscher im Christian Doppler Labor ’Software Engineering Integration for Flexible Automation Systems’ an der TU Wien
  • 2013 - 2014 Director Technology & Innovation bei STINA Business Solutions GmbH & STINA Medical Solutions GmbH
  • Seit 2015 Senior Researcher ’Industrie 4.0’ an der FH St. Pölten


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Braun, C., Kayali, F., & Moser, T. (2024). Designing Didactic Scenarios for Laboratory Teaching: Guidelines for Developing Meaningful Virtual Tours. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2024 (pp. 1142–1156). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Nurgazina, J., Taurer, F., Anderluh, A., Killian, S., & Jandl, C. (2024, 28.11). Digital Product Pass Concept for a Soy Supply Chain: Solution Design and Data Usage Perceptions [Abstract, oral presentation]. 6th IConCMT, FH St. Pölten.
Braun, C., Kayali, F., & Moser, T. (2023). Ein virtueller Laborrundgang – Gestaltung, Entwicklung und Evaluierung: Praxisbeispiel aus dem Projekt DigiLabTour Ost. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift Für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung, 51, 246–267.
Killian, S., Baumann, C., Delorette, M., Freisleben- Teutscher, C., Größbacher, S., Huber, A., Husinsky, M., Judmair, P., Moser, T., Pflegerl, J., Schlager, A., Schöffer, L., Taurer, F., & Vogt, G. (2023). MIRACLE - Mixed Reality und Cooperation im Lehreinsatz: Erfahrungen, Potenziale, Limitationen. In Lernen über den Tellerrand hinaus. Good Practices zu Interdisziplinarität, Internationalisierung und Future Skills (pp. 119–126). Lemberger Publishing.
Zigart, T., Kormann-Hainzl, G., Lovasz-Bukvova, H., Moser, T., & Schlund, S. (2023). From lab to industry: lessons learned from the evaluation of augmented and virtual reality use cases. Production & Manufacturing Research, 11(1), 2286345.
Daramola, O., Kavu, T. D., Kotze, M. J., Kamati, O., Emjedi, Z., Kabaso, B., Moser, T., Stroetmann, K., Fwemba, I., Daramola, F., Nyirenda, M., Van Rensburg, S. J., Nyasulu, P. S., & Marnewick, J. L. (2023). Detecting the most critical clinical variables of COVID-19 breakthrough infection in vaccinated persons using machine learning. DIGITAL HEALTH, 9, 20552076231207590.
Schäfer, M., Braun, C., Barthold-Beß, S., Kayali, F., Mindroc-Filimon, D., Moser, T., Moshanina, A., & Jäkel, O. (2022). HOW TO DEVELOP A VIRTUAL TOUR IN MEDICAL PHYSICS. Physica Medica, 104, S70–S71.
Schäfer, M., Braun, C., Barthold-Beß, S., Kayali, F., Mindroc-Filimon, D., Moser, T., Moshanina, A., & Jäkel, O. (2022). HOW TO DEVELOP A VIRTUAL TOUR IN MEDICAL PHYSICS. Physica Medica, 104, S70–S71.
Braun, C., Schäfer, M., Barthold-Beß, S., Kayali, F., Mindroc-Filimon, D., Moser, T., Moshanina, A., & Jäkel, O. (2022). HOW TO DEVELOP A VIRTUAL TOUR IN MEDICAL PHYSICS. Physica Medica, 104, S70–S71.
Braun, C., Kayali, F., & Moser, T. (2022). Einsatz von virtuellen Rundgängen in der Distanz-Laborlehre: Praxisbeispiele aus dem Projekt Lab4home. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift Für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung, 47, 196–219.
Nurgazina, J., Kazantsev, N., Moser, T., & Reiner, G. (2022). Modeling food waste mitigation enabled by distributed ledger technologies. In H. Missbauer & T. Ou (Eds.), Twenty Second International Working Seminar on Production Economics (pp. 1–15). Universität Innsbruck.
Holly, F., Zigart, T., Maurer, M., Wolfartsberger, J., Brunnhofer, M., Sorko, S. R., Moser, T., & Schlager, A. (2022). Gaining Impact with Mixed Reality in Industry – A Sustainable Approach. 8th International Conference on Computer Technology Applications (ICCTA 2022), Vienna, Austria.
Braun, C., Kayali, F., & Moser, T. (2022). Erstellung und Einsatz von 360-Grad-Medien in der Lehre – leicht gemacht. In P. A. Henning, M. Striewe, & M. Wölfel (Eds.), 20. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI) (pp. 129–134). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Girsule, B., Rottermanner, G., Jandl, C., & Moser, T. (2021). Machine Learning Support for Repetitive Tasks in Metal Processing SMEs. 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 1–6.
Jandl, C., Wagner, M., Moser, T., & Schlund, S. (2021). Reasons and Strategies for Privacy Features in Tracking and Tracing Systems—A Systematic Literature Review. Sensors, 21(13), 4501.
Nurgazina, J., Pakdeetrakulwong, U., Moser, T., & Reiner, G. (2021). Distributed Ledger Technology Applications in Food Supply Chains: A Review of Challenges and Future Research Directions. Sustainability, 13(8), 4206.
Jandl, C., Taurer, F., Hartner-Tiefenthaler, M., Wagner, M., Moser, T., & Schlund, S. (2021). Perceptions of Using Tracking and Tracing Systems in Work Environments. In F. F.-H. Nah & K. Siau (Eds.), HCI in Business, Government and Organizations (Vol. 12783, pp. 384–398). Springer International Publishing.
Daramola, O., & Moser, T. (Eds.). (2021). Advanced concepts, methods, and applications in semantic computing. Engineering Science Reference.
Bilek, N., Feldhofer, A., & Moser, T. (2021). Virtual Reality Based Mass Disaster Triage Training for Emergency Medical Services. IEEE VR 2021.
Daramola, O., & Moser, T. (2021). Towards Semantic Data Integration in Resource-Limited Settings for Decision Support on Gait-Related Diseases. In O. Daramola & T. Moser (Eds.), Advanced Concepts, Methods, and Applications in Semantic Computing (pp. 236–256). IGI Global.
Nurgazina, J., Felberbauer, T., Moser, T., & Reiner, G. (2020). Distributed ledger technology applications for improved traceability of food supply chains. Proceedings of the 27th EurOMA Conference, 532–541.
Moser, T., Zigart, T., Kormann-Hainzl, G., & Lovasz-Bukvova, H. (2020). Assistenzsysteme der Zukunft schon heute - Aktuelle Anwendungsfälle von Mixed Reality in der Produktion. WINGbusiness, 2, 18–24.
Girsule, B., Rottermanner, G., Jandl, C., Kreiger, M., Moser, T., & Fuchs, P. (2020). Data Acquisition Approaches for AI-supported Metal Processing. ETFA 2020 - IEEE 25th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 4.
Jandl, C., Nurgazina, J., Schöffer, L., Reichl, C., Wagner, M., & Moser, T. (2019, September 9). SensiTrack - A Privacy by Design Concept for industrial IoT Applications. International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019), Zaragossa,Spain.
Moser, T., Hohlagschwandtner, M., Kormann-Hainzl, G., Pölzlbauer, S., & Wolfartsberger, J. (2019). Mixed Reality Applications in Industry: Challenges and Research Areas. In D. Winkler, S. Biffl, & J. Bergsmann (Eds.), Software Quality: The Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering and Software Quality in the Cloud (Vol. 338, pp. 95–105). Springer International Publishing.
Daramola, O., & Moser, T. (2019). Semantic Integration of multiple Health Data for Treatment Decision-Making in low-resource Settings. 11th International Conference on e-Health, Porto, Portugal.
Seidl, M., Moser, T., Blumenstein, K., Zeppelzauer, M., & Iber, M. (Eds.). (2018). FMT 2018 - Proceedings of the 11th Forum Media Technology and 4th All Around Audio Symposium.
Jandl, C., Schöffer, L., Weninger, C., & Moser, T. (2018). BlueDAT - A conceptual framework for smart asset tracking using Bluetooth 5 in industrial enviroment. International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems - AmiES 2018.
Aigner, W., Moser, T., Blumenstein, K., Zeppelzauer, M., Iber, M., & Schmiedl, G. (Eds.). (2017). FMT 2017 - Proceedings of the 10th Forum Media Technology and 3rd All Around Audio Symposium.
Wochner, P., & Moser, T. (2017). Die Auswirkungen von Industrie 4.0 auf die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft. 11. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen.
Klotz, A., Felberbauer, T., Moser, T., & Moser, M. (2017). Industrie 4.0 – Konsequenzen für das Produktionsmanagement. In R. Koether & K.-J. Meier (Eds.), Lean Production für die variantenreiche Einzelfertigung: Flexibilität wird zum neuen Standard (pp. 69–87). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Hammerschmid, S., Kormann, G., Moser, T., & Reiner, M. (2017). A Conceptual Mixed Realities (AR/VR) Capability Maturity Model – With Special Emphasis on Implementation. In J. Stolfa, S. Stolfa, R. V. O"Connor, & R. Messnarz (Eds.), Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement (Vol. 748, pp. 372–377). Springer International Publishing.
Felberbauer, T., Moser, T., Iber, M., & Fidler, F. (2016). DataViSon: ein Schritt hin zur dezentralen Produktionssteuerung. Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(6), 22–26.
Moser, Thomas. (2016). The Engineering Knowledge Base Approach. In Biffl, Stefan & Sabou, Martha (Eds.), Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Engineering Applications (1st ed.). Springer International Publishing.
Hanus, F., Kormann, G., & Moser, T. (2016). Autonomisierung von Produktionsprozessen – Theorie, Anwendung und Werkzeuge. 10. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Wien.